
As a former AFL cheerleader I understand how important fitness is in a persons life. However, that doesn’t mean I’ve kept up with my fitness through the years, in fact last year I did little to ZERO exercise!! I know. I know, sad story boo hoo. But let me explain my laziness to you before you start casting stones my way.

I struggled with infertility for over 4 years. This came with medication after medication and weight gain after heartbreak. What does that have to do with fitness you ask? Steroids, depression and self medicating with anything chocolate. Yep. I did it to myself. Instead of turning my body into a baby making machine. I was making it a squishy and lumpy mess. Now, don’t get me wrong I wasn’t that horrible of an eater. I was eating healthy but splurging WAY too much on too many sweets. I am a sugar addict. Anytime I would get bad news it was two chocolate cookies coming my way.

Then I got the news from my doctor that my husband and I would have to use Invitro-Fertilization (IVF) to obtain a pregnancy.{Insert heart shattering here} But after picking up the pieces, I went on a mission to make my body ready for the battle I was about to enter. My husband and I did the  Insanity Challenge and I lost 30lbs! I was so happy and felt like I was ready to be a mom. Unfortunately my body wasn’t ready to be a temporary home for a baby. We had 2 failed IVF cycles and I welcomed those 30lbs back. Finally on our third IVF cycle we had great success. One little baby survived the battle and we won the infertility war.

My pregnancy went well and I was so happy to be pregnant. I ate healthy and rested often (doctor’s orders) and then BAM! I was put on bed rest the last 8-10 weeks of my pregnancy due to Preeclampsia. That is when I really ballooned and gained a significant amount of weight. I mean after all I was a cow laying around grazing on whatever was in my hand. Not cool. So here I am now,  a successful pregnancy under my belt my baby pooch, and a healthy baby girl. Now I am working towards a better, skinnier, healthier ME!

This is my mission

1. Lose the baby weight

2. Learn to love running (for the first time in my life)

3. Get to my pre-baby pre-infertility weight

4. Just be content in my body again

5. Say “Hello” to my wardrobe that is down in the basement

Join me as I take this journey one class, one mile and one weight at a time.

5 thoughts on “Fitness

    • Yes! I am on week 5 day 3 of my running application on my phone. You are more of a runner than me girl, so hopefully you can keep me motivated 😀

  1. Creeping on your blog 🙂 my heart aches for your struggle but rejoices in your final win! & I know you’d do the struggle over to have that beauty all over! Excited to keep up with your blog because fitness, family, & Food are at the top of my list too! 🙂 soul sistas!

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